That’s Deep, Dude
You know how they say that when you get hit in the balls really hard that your voice goes up twenty octaves? What’s the polar opposite of that? Because whatever that is, it happened to this fuckin’ dude. Related: I found the band to play the First Annual Dogs on Drugs Party/Pre-AA Meeting whenever that is.
Reminds me of a more staid version of the Delltones, although I don’t think Peewee ever went totally cockeyed with the effort.
Cockeyed and afro’d.
Boo… video is no longer available. Now I have to go do something productive instead. Or just troll other Youtube videos instead.
Yay, I fixed it! Now you have no excuse for doing productive things.
Thank gawd! Who knew there were so many Dickboy videos to wade through?
Research confirms that guys with a voices like that actually have to tuck their balls into their socks. This isn’t confirmed, but it’s hypothesized that they also tuck male soprano singers’ balls into their socks.
Voice of satan.
Satan’s a castrato compared to this bug-eyed freak.