“Now I’m going to show you something, and I don’t want you to ever forget it.” Yeah, I bet, you freaky looking perv.
Quite the stache-wax face-fin there.
Yep, that is one freaky looking grandpa.
You don’t PULL the trigger, your squeeze it.
Yeah, my dad gave me the exact same lecture when I was a kid, minus the pointy mustache. That, and ‘Gun control means using two hands.’
And, one would hope, minus the stiff and wooden acting.
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Quite the stache-wax face-fin there.
Yep, that is one freaky looking grandpa.
You don’t PULL the trigger, your squeeze it.
Yeah, my dad gave me the exact same lecture when I was a kid, minus the pointy mustache. That, and ‘Gun control means using two hands.’
And, one would hope, minus the stiff and wooden acting.