For No Goddamn Reason I Can Think Of, I Watched An Episode Of Alice

Do you remember the TV show Alice? Of course you don’t. That show is fucking ancient, and so it is only remembered by crusty old fucks like me who also remember doing the Lindy Hop and what it was like to get fellated by Amelia Earhart (the woman knew how to give a hummer, I’ll give her that). So let me give you a rundown: Some bitch with a kid decides to move to LA to become a singer because she’s a fucking idiot, but her car breaks down in Phoenix and she winds up working for 9 fucking years in a shit-hole diner with a cook who has more back hair then Ed Asner.
That’s it in a nutshell. If you’re thinking to yourself, “That is what passed for entertainment back then?” I absolutely agree with you. Remember, this was in an era during which there were three major networks and whatever craziness was playing on Channel Ocho, and that was it. You didn’t have a lot of choices back then, and the networks knew it. So they spent all their time nailing prospective actresses on the casting couch and left trivial details like, oh I don’t know, creating and producing quality television programming to homeless guys. Seriously, you were shit out of luck if you didn’t like what was on TV. ABC’s slogan was, “ABC: Sit Down And Shut The Fuck Up”.
So of course this piece of shit show Alice ran for nine goddamn years. Nine. We’re not allowed to have a fucking president for longer than eight years, certainly we can limit shows like Alice, right? Ugh. Anyway, I thought of the show today because Alice was set where I live, Phoenix, and I remember watching the show as a kid and thinking to myself, “Wow! They just said it was 104 in Phoenix! That’s crazy! I can’t imagine living there!” Now, of course, I say, “Wow! It’s 117 outside! Shoot me!”
The shows opening theme song (which is about as fucking annoying and catchy as can possibly be) contains a memorable shot of a sign reading “Mel’s Diner”, where Alice works. I had known at one point that the sign was taken from a real Mel’s Diner in Phoenix, but I thought it was long gone. As it turns out, the sign itself has changed slightly, but the diner itself is still there. I will firebomb it tomorrow.
Hahaha, just kidding. It’s pretty cool that you can go to some random joint that was immortalized on 1970’s TV and smoke dope and fornicate in the bathroom, or whatever it is that people do in greasy spoon diners. Look, here it is today:

Image courtesy of Google Maps. Every time I see the Google Maps car, I pull my pants down and show it my taint. This is why I’m no longer allowed in Saskatchewan, or as it is now called, Asskatchewan.
Crazy, huh? Anyway, back to that fucking opening jingle. Here it is. (Sorry about this.)
The best part of that song is the line, “There’s a fresh, freckled face in the neighborhood”. If Linda Lavin is a fresh, freckled face, I’m the fucking Gerber baby. And in case you were wondering, which you weren’t, yes, Linda Lavin actually sang the song herself and fucking admitted it! Even worse, the producers were shooting sterno in an alley one day and decided that they’d let her rerecord it every year. This, of course, went to Linda’s head and she started going all lounge-lizard with it. Please note, this is not a joke. This is really what the song sounded like in later seasons:
Holy Jesus. She’s stretching out so much it’s painful, You get the feeling that if the show lasted long enough, you’d get to hear Linda throw in some rap, maybe a bit of Paradise City, and show up to work one day wearing flannel before producers (rightfully) made her eat a shotgun in the apartment above her garage.
So, as I sat there in the office hating myself for spending even one nanosecond thinking about Alice, I decided I’d watch an episode and Tweet my reactions, or at least the ones that didn’t involve me destroying my TV. Here’s how that went:
Going to watch the old TV show Alice for no fucking reason. #buckleup #watchingalice
— Dogs On Drugs (@DogsOnDrugs) October 17, 2012
Season 1, Episode 7 – Sex Education. I paid real money for this. You people fucking owe me. #watchingalice
— Dogs On Drugs (@DogsOnDrugs) October 17, 2012
Half-way through the theme song, and already everyone in my house is dead. #watchingalice
— Dogs On Drugs (@DogsOnDrugs) October 17, 2012
Alice just kissed her adolescent son on the lips during the sex-ed episode. This won't end well. #watchingalice
— Dogs On Drugs (@DogsOnDrugs) October 17, 2012
Wow… I… I didn't think felching would come up so quickly! #watchingalice
— Dogs On Drugs (@DogsOnDrugs) October 17, 2012
Flo: Where did Abe Lincoln get the idea that all of us were created equal? For the record, Flo is pro-slavery. #watchingalice
— Dogs On Drugs (@DogsOnDrugs) October 17, 2012
Linda Lavin: "He didn't want to talk to me!" Get used to it, honey. #watchingalice
— Dogs On Drugs (@DogsOnDrugs) October 17, 2012
Enter Mel, who is dressed as if he just smuggled some roofies in from Hawaii. #watchingalice
— Dogs On Drugs (@DogsOnDrugs) October 17, 2012
I don't know about you, but I wouldn't frequent a diner that spoke so openly about sperm. #watchingalice
— Dogs On Drugs (@DogsOnDrugs) October 17, 2012
They just made a urethra/Aretha Franklin joke. Whoever had 8 minutes and 7 seconds in the pool, you win! #watchingalice
— Dogs On Drugs (@DogsOnDrugs) October 17, 2012
Flo advises Alice to ignore Tommy's need for sex-ed. She'd make a great Southern Baptist! #watchingalice
— Dogs On Drugs (@DogsOnDrugs) October 17, 2012
That position… Is that even possible? #watchingalice
— Dogs On Drugs (@DogsOnDrugs) October 17, 2012
Tommy's girlfriend is feeling nauseous in the morning lately. My guess: She watches Alice before bed. #watchingalice
— Dogs On Drugs (@DogsOnDrugs) October 17, 2012
On the likely to be strangled by a drifter scale, Flo has got to be up there, right? #watchingalice
— Dogs On Drugs (@DogsOnDrugs) October 17, 2012
Linda Lavin: "Oh boy, do I feel stupid." Yeah? I'm watching Alice. #watchingalice
— Dogs On Drugs (@DogsOnDrugs) October 17, 2012
Holy shit, Tommy's sex-ed teacher is Adam West! Related: He knows what a rusty trombone is. #watchingalice
— Dogs On Drugs (@DogsOnDrugs) October 17, 2012
How to tell if your sex-ed class will include a lab fee for Astro-Glide: Your teacher looks like this. #watchingalice
— Dogs On Drugs (@DogsOnDrugs) October 17, 2012
Alice just volunteered the diner to show a sex-ed film. She's minutes away from being stuffed in an oven. #watchingalice
— Dogs On Drugs (@DogsOnDrugs) October 17, 2012
The film is over. Sales of gazpacho are way down. #watchingalice
— Dogs On Drugs (@DogsOnDrugs) October 17, 2012
Some random woman just stated that "It's the 70's. Kids are just turned on earlier." Must be all the diner-porn. #watchingalice
— Dogs On Drugs (@DogsOnDrugs) October 17, 2012
Vera is really, really stupid. Like, Ross Perot running-mate stupid. #watchingalice
— Dogs On Drugs (@DogsOnDrugs) October 17, 2012
Ooh, Alice came home and there's a bitch getting fisted in her apartment! Oh, wait. Wrong video stream. #watchingalice
— Dogs On Drugs (@DogsOnDrugs) October 17, 2012
And Tommy sits down for a totally non-embarassing sex-ed talk with his mom and Flo. He'll turn out a tranny for sure. #watchingalice
— Dogs On Drugs (@DogsOnDrugs) October 17, 2012
Alice: "When your dad and I met, we both felt something special." Leather restraints. #watchingalice
— Dogs On Drugs (@DogsOnDrugs) October 17, 2012
Hahaha! Flo is promiscuous! Hahaha! I never caught that before! Hilarious! #watchingalice
— Dogs On Drugs (@DogsOnDrugs) October 17, 2012
End credits rolling. I survived long enough to take my own life via a method other than watching Alice. #watchingalice
— Dogs On Drugs (@DogsOnDrugs) October 17, 2012
Holy shit, that was rough. Join me next week when I do something easier, like swallow a bowling ball.
I remember that show. I was very young, but still occasionally say, “KISS MY GRITS!”
Who doesn’t?
Oh yeah, young people. Those fuckers.
Ha! Brett beat me to it. Kiss my grits is the only thing I remember from that show.
Oh, and I actually thought the name of it was Mel’s Diner.
Obviously you and Brett are a lot younger than me. I remembered the reference to the girl with the earrings in the sex-ed episode before I watched it. Guh.
You are slightly mistaken. Mel’s back hair IS Ed Asner.
Ed Asner dressed as Chewbacca, actually.
Glad we frickin’ agree.
Ha ha, I remember that show, god help me. Now the stupid theme song is stuck in my head.
Tv sure has improved. I wish we got Honey Boo Boo and Jersey Shore in my city; that is quality programming.
Early to rise
Early to bed
And in between I cooked and cleaned
And went out of my head…
That punk son of hers could have helped out a little rather than just pouring hot water on Alice’s aching feet. I remember Phillip McKeon showing up in several of my issues of Tiger Beat, he was quite the bee’s knees. I was more a Scott Baio girl myself, Rowwwrrr!
Yeah, I remember Tommy being a little shit, and also being an incurable goodie two-shoes. They should’ve had more episode where he freaked out on drugs and killed hobos.
After all, it worked for Chachi.
BTW, this is what may have cosmically drawn you to watch Alice.
Wow, that is fucking freaky.
My favourite was “Pickup, Dingy”. Those shows make me wish I was an adult back then. I could make it in Hollywood.
Or the time Flo got preggers from a gang bang, that was a good one too.
All I remember from these shows are the opening sequences. That’s when my mom would realize the tv was on and rush into the livingroom to save us from eternal damnation.
Smart lady.
Looking back on the days of Alice, I have to wonder, who got more ‘poon: Mel or Schneider? I am guessing Schneider, after all Mackenzie Phillips was always on beaners and lick ’em aid.
Kiss my grits bitches. (when you read this, imagine Parker Posey is saying it while chewing gum. That is how I hear it in my head)
Yeah, Schneider for sure. You could fall down in the general vicinity of Mackenzie Phillips and you’d find yourself inside her.
But Mel looks like the kinda guy that would spike a drink. Who knows? He might have a meat locker full of his conquests in the back of the diner.
I just spent the last hour reading everything there is to know about that show on Wikipedia. Thanks a lot, asshole.
Welcome to the dark side of the internet, where mild curiosity can turn into lifelong knowledge of Vic Tayback.
I’m sure that show contributed on some level to me not watching TV for nearly 20 years.
It contributed to me gouging my eyes out with a spoon, that’s for sure.
I always had a thing for Flo. And wow, the author of this article is a very angry man.
Omg, this brings back memories. I was a teen in the 70’s and my younger bro and I would have a fit laughing whenever the “stretched” version of the theme song would come on. I remember making fun of it and trying to imitate her caterwauling. Good gracious, why didn’t someone gently break the news to her about how her horrible voice could crack a car windshield!?