The Face Slimmer

For those of you who read last week’s Week In Review, you’ll be familiar with the picture off to the left of what appears to be a Japanese woman slowly turning into an inflatable fuck doll. This is wonderful fodder for smug American pricks such as myself, who like to make fun of anything nonsensical, foreign, or (ideally) nonsensically foreign. In this case, however, I was wrong to poke fun at that advertisement because this wonderful invention will help all of you ladies out there whose faces are slowly turning into mush. Behold the Face Slimmer from the wonderful folks over at Glim.
Yes, the Face Slimmer is a wonderful invention that will save you from the embarrassment of trying to use the free weights at the gym with your cheeks.
The Face Slimmer is a simple solution to the timeless problem of how to give sagging facial skin and muscles that much-needed daily lift.
The manufacturer recommends that you use it for three minutes a day and “say vowel sounds over and over again” such as:
- Aaaaaay
- Oooooooh
- Uuuuuuuuuh
- I am a fucking imbecile
In addition to the wonderfully effective results, you’ll look like the coolest person at your next PTA meeting when you show up looking like this:
How much would you pay for this? Let’s look in the mirror and be honest, shall we? Does your face look anywhere near as youthful and radiant as our gullible Japanese friend up there? Fuck no. According to Japanese scienticians, your face more closely resembles a wad of roast beef that has been stretched by a team of horses. So you will fucking pay anything for the Face Slimmer and like it. Luckily for you, Glim is selling it for only $79. That’s right, a hunk of reddish plastic nightmare fuel for the low, low price of $79!
Now I know what you’re saying at this point: You’re saying, “Thanks, Greg. But what else can Glim do for me and my freakshow of a face?” I’m glad you asked. Are you tired of your nose dangling in your soup? Does your drooping nose interfere with you going to the bathroom? Do you have so much money that you find yourself setting fire to piles of it for kicks? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you need the Beauty Lift High Nose Electric Nose Lift!
Yes, for only $86, your nose can be rocking it in the penthouse instead of slumming it with the derelicts and weirdos in the basement. But what if your nose doesn’t droop so much as it looks like an owl took a dump on your face? No problem! Just slap a fucking butterfly clip on that horror-show of a schnozz and you’ll be the talk of the town.

For $41, Glim's Beauty Nose Butterfly Beauty Nose Clip will cause people to stop talking about your hideous nose and start talking about your defective brain!
But what if you want to tighten up your face and look like a Mexican wrestler?
“Ok, Glim, let’s say I’m an attractive, young, professional woman with a secret Gimp fetish. What’ve you got for me?” Only this: Booyah!

The Kogao! Smile Lines Face Belt will takes years off of your face. But don't take our word for it, ask one of our many satisfied customers: "Mmmmmf! Mmmmmmffff grrrrrgghhhgghgmmmmff!"
Want to look like you’re drinking a jar of Olay?

The Facial Lift At Once Face Trainer will... Look. Just send us some fucking money, ok? We'll send you something plastic to put on your face.
Or what about something that will make you look like you’re fellating a tulip?
Yes, the wonderful folks at Glim are constantly thinking of you and your hard earned cash and you can count on them to come up with wonderful products such as these to enrich your life and provide endless amusement for your friends. So the next time you’re in the market for an anthropomorphic diarrhea cork, look to the good folks at Glim!
God, I love the Japanese. All items are real, and can be ordered at the Japan Trend Shop.
Awesome. I just ordered one of each. Should go along nicely with my Brazilian Butt Lift workout video.
That’s the spirit! Put all of them on at once and send me the pics.
Japan is an awesome and amazing country.
Which came from another planet.
The word “planet” infers that they inhabit the same dimension that we do. See above.
i’m still thinking about the first one….Now my dirty little brain finds that as a useful tool for….well…things my boyfriend likes-just think no more tired mouths. it would make a zillion bucks over here if that’s the direction they went…By the way, i love this blog. 🙂 your newest reader.
You’ll fit in nicely here. Everyone else had the exact same thought. That’s because we are all disgusting reprobates.
Yeah babe… disgusting reprobates, I like that!!!
Except for me. I just hang out and try to keep a straight face…..
Oh, they’ve got face straighteners for you, you can bet your life on that…
I’m going to need something heavy duty.
Why is their economy in strife when they have genius like this?
Yo0u can live forever!
Yeah, beats the hell out of me. Between face slimming and tentacle porn, they seem to have all their bases covered.
Greg, I’m still finding soup splatter from reading this earlier – easily the funniest thing I’ve read this week. Thanks.
Once upon a time, I lived in Japan. Even just watching TV over there made me feel conservative and sheltered.
Thanks. An invoice is in the mail. Please don’t pay in Yen or soup.
i wonder how many people actually buy these products.
Enough to encourage them to produce variation after variation after variation… It’s scary to think of the number of people out there who look at these things and think, “Say, that’s a great idea! I bet that works!”
Excellent finds. These will be perfect additions to the next hentai porn videos in our series.
I love the word “find” in this context. Makes me feel like the Indiana Jones of the insane Japanese products world.
wtf? This is ridiculous. This is not going to stop aging, come on….
Sure it will! You just open your mouth a little too wide, swallow it on accident, have it block your windpipe, and the aging process pretty much stops in its tracks once the time of death has been established.