What’s With All The Pussy Cars?

I was driving home today when it struck me that the cars we drive these days are fucking lame. Not mine, of course. I drive a Jeep Wrangler, which is macho, and studly, and boy don’t I look like a motherfucking wildman with two child seats in the back of mine? But most of the other cars on the road suck in my eyes. This is because I was alive during the 70’s, which although it brought us terrible things such as leisure suits, disco, and Kenny Loggins (ahem), it also brought us great things such as Led Zeppelin, the original Saturday Night Live, and muscle cars.
Ahhh, muscle cars. Those were awesome machines. A light tap on the gas pedal and the pavement would shred under your tires, the sound of the engine roaring would shatter windows for blocks, and Arab dudes would light cigars with hundred dollar bills because those things went through some motherfucking gas. Now a lot of people like to point out that muscle cars were gas guzzlers, and that today’s cars not only conserve fuel by not allowing you to burn rubber just by looking at them, but because they’re aerodynamic as well. These people drive cars that look like suppositories for rhinos.
The worst of the lot are the owners of electric cars. They will buttonhole you and lecture you on what a fucking douche-canoe you are for not going green, but when their cars are charging at night and they’re in bed having wet dreams about jerking off whales or whatever, those electric cars are being charged with energy derived from the national power grid, 57% of which is derived from burning coal which is WAY more polluting than gasoline. Congratulations, you just made Al Gore cry, you bed-wetter.
It’s not that I don’t care about how much gas classic muscle cars go through. What makes them go is entirely irrelevant to me. I don’t care if they’re powered by a trillion gerbils on a wheel, foot power à la Fred Flintstone, or some inexhaustible fuel such as salt water or Al Gore’s sense of moral outrage. Just give me a fucking muscle car.
Besides some major ass-rattling power, muscle cars had something else going for them: Back seats you could actually get laid in. Remember when you could actually bump uglies comfortably in a car? With bucket seats, center consoles, DVD players, cup holders and the like, you’d have to be a goddamn contortionist to get your groove on in a car these days. When I had my über-cool station wagon, I could put all the seats down and have enough room for a god damn orgy back there! And there were even ashtrays for the obligatory post-romp smoke!
A lot of people like SUV’s because of the room they provide. Look, SUV’s are nothing more than tall station wagons. My station wagon may have been assloads of fun, but it was not cool. It was bright yellow and tended to elicit comments such as “Greg Brady called, he wants his car back.” Just because an SUV is a couple of feet higher off the ground doesn’t mean they’re cool all of a sudden.
Besides, muscle cars had huge trunks, large enough to hold not one, not two, but up to seventeen dead bodies in them. I should know! (Seventeen dead bodies, by the way, is known as one Dahmer, as in “Holy shit, it smells like you had a Dahmer of bodies back here!”)
(Digression: I’m just joking, I never really had a dead body in my trunk, although one time I kind of did. When I was in high school, a buddy and I cooked up a plan: We put my younger brother in the trunk of his car and drove around our rural neighborhood. We found a guy raking leaves and pulled over in front of his house. We pretended to look around to see if there were people watching (and pretended to fail to see him), opened the trunk, and threw my brother’s “dead” body into a ditch across the road and took off. When the man approached my brother, he sprung to life, shouted “No! No more! I can’t take the pain!” and ran off into the woods. We picked him up on the other side of the woods, high-tailed it home, and watched cop cars fly by every few minutes for the next couple of hours, laughing our asses off the whole time. Heh.)
Ok, look, this was a badass car:
Yes, Buick actually used to make cars that weren’t for octogenarians or for Tiger Woods to crash into trees while running away from his wife. They made some honest-to-God kick ass cars. You could be driving to the grocery store, yet you’d look like you were on your way to avenge your family’s death by gut-stabbing a bunch of corrupt, smack-dealing cops. Awesome.
This, by comparison, is one of the top selling cars in 2012:
Is it a coincidence that the letters in Camry can be rearranged to form the girl’s name Marcy? Not when you’re as plowed as I am. This boring-ass sedan looks like it should be driven by someone whose idea of a fun time is double-entry bookkeeping. The Buick GSX would take the Camry’s fucking lunch money if they were to ever come in contact.
I can get behind pickup trucks to a certain extent. I drove one for about ten years. They’re utilitarian, they can be pretty powerful, and if you have an air mattress you can get some major lovin’ going on in the flat-bed (although you’re not exactly incognito, so make sure that day care parking lot is kinda empty before you get down to business). And if you wear a t-shirt and a cowboy hat, you look like the kinda guy that chews Skoal, hates immigrants, and gets cheap blowjobs from tweaker whores in truck stop parking lots. So, you know, if you’re going for that look, there you go.
But Steve McQueen wouldn’t have looked like a badass in Bullitt behind the wheel of a Nissan Frontier, he would’ve looked like he was going fucking antiquing for a new armoire.
There is hope, however. This is the Dodge Challenger, which despite being named after an exploding Space Shuttle, looks cool as fuck. I bet you could get laid in the back seat of that thing and drive a Dahmer of bodies down to the river. Try that in a Prius.
Excellent points made.
However, you seem to be avoiding all mention of the muscle-car and pickup’s unholy spawn, El Camino. (cue the mariachi revenge music)
Ooooo! El Camino! I thought those were the most awesome cars when I was a kid. Not a fan of the 70s caminos, but I’d love a 1965.
I never knew what to make of El Caminos. The only ones that drove them where I grew up were Mexicans. Not that I have anything against Mexicans, but I thought that if I were caught driving one, I’d be interrogated in Spanish and then beaten with a piñata when I didn’t know how to answer.
I grew up pretty sheltered.
Greg, absolutely loved your article even though I haven’t got a clue what you’re talking about. I live in the UK and am a 49 year old mother of 2 – not really your target audience – but I just love your writing. It’s amazing!!! And we Brits are not really known for our gushing!
The cultural subtleties were lost on me but I got the gist. (Must google Kenny Loggins…you’ve referred to him before with your competition on an earlier blog so he must be important for reference purposes?) I get the general idea of a muscle car (a badly designed, powerful car that appeals to a certain class of men and by consequence, women?). I have heard of Al Gore and agree with your opinion of him. Station wagons by which I think you mean estate cars? We have Prius here too and we all know how we feel about people who choose to buy them……vegetarians!
Anyway, I’ve followed your blog for a while now but this is the first time I’ve commented but your writing always makes me chuckle, apart from the sad ones, obviously. I was very sorry to hear about your relationship problems.
Please keep up your excellent work….even love your use of expletives…I think it’s the shock value. I’m physically incapable of using them (upbringing!) but take a voyeuristic pleasure in hearing/ reading others use them.
Hope you have a happy 2013 and will make an effort to comment again just to cheer you on!
Thanks! Always happy to hear from my cousins across the pond. It gives me a chance to work on my English:
Right! Wot’s all this, then?
How was that?
I am a BIG old-car person. If I can get my hands on one to test drive, I’m all over it. If rove a pace car for the indie-500. I think it was a 72 Olds convertible. I drove a 69 Camaro once too and then was so utterly bummed when I had to get back into my rollerskate (bug) and drive home.
I hate that cars today have no style. So when a car comes out with with a little funkiness to it, I’m stoked. It’s rare…..
Not that I smoke anymore, but I get nostalgic for cars with actual ashtrays in them. The last time I bought a new car, they asked me if I wanted the smoker’s package.
“What’s that?”
“It’s a lighter and a steel ashtray. It costs $700.”
That’s bullshit. In the 70’s ALL cars were smoker’s cars. They smoked!
this makes me wish I would get my act together and finish building http://www.pl8arazzi.com- I have about 1500 vanity license plate photos that basically confirm much of what you discuss here!
Not that I ever need confirmation, of course.
also I just realized that “That 70s show” copied the backyard of the Brays. how could I have missed that?
Dunno. Booze?
My carshare service uses “Smart” cars, which are basically go-carts. Fine for getting around the city, but not at all awesome to drive, and even midgets would have trouble getting it on anywhere but on the roof.
They recently introduced electric Smart cars to their fleet, which drive like go-carts with no tires. The first time I used an electric, I sat in it trying to start the thing for like 5 minutes because it makes no noise and gives no indication that it’s running.
Saving money and the planet. And idiot pedestrians… only because I can’t get up enough speed to hit them.
If fucking smart cars save the planet, I’m moving to fucking Mars.