One of the most entertaining stories of the year so far, in my book, is that of Manti Te’o. For those of you who have had your head stuck in a roll of Kirstie Alley’s back fat for the last three months, I’ll recap: Manti Te’o is a football player for Notre Dame who totally had a really smokin’ hot girlfriend, but you wouldn’t know her because she’s from out of town, dude. Then she died. Well, she didn’t really, because she never existed. Turned out some guy was pretending to be this smokin’ hot babe and that he had a thing for Manti Te’o. This, of course, set off alarms in the peanut-sized brains of NFL talent scouts because, holy shit, what if we have a GAY FOOTBALL PLAYER ON OUR HANDS? YOU CANNOT WIN THE SUPER BOWL IF YOU SPEND ALL OF YOUR TIME ANTIQUING, GODDAMMIT! Continue reading